Tag Archives: profile
Profile :: Velvet Zoe Ramos
Velvet Zoe Ramos was born in the USA and grew up on the island of Aruba. She lives and works in London and has been involved in a number of exhibition projects. Strongly influenced by Alfredo Jaar she refrains from … Continue reading
Profile :: Café Prèsque
Café Prèsque is a group of creatives brought together through food. Beginning their collaborations somewhat tentatively with ‘studio-pizza’ at the beginning of 2012, their studio-based escapades have delighted in the comestible. Working as a whole or in various pairings, investigations have featured sushi, … Continue reading
Profile :: James Walker
James Walker is an artist of various media working in London and beyond. James Walker currently works in installation, performance, digital and video, but trained in physical theatre and worked as a cook for several years, in which time he … Continue reading
Profile :: Nora Silva
Spanish artist Nora Silva started a degree in Fine Arts in Madrid and then transferred to Wimbledon College of Arts to complete her studies in London. Her work usually involves food, so she decided to go to cooking school after graduating … Continue reading
Profile :: Amy Godfrey
Amy Godfrey completed a Master in food anthropology, specialising in the role of theatre as a tool for exploration and discussion and the performative nature of obesity and dieting. With a broad experience including work as a storyteller and maker … Continue reading
Profile :: Spork Club
Spork Club is a group of international visual artists and performance makers that share a preoccupation with all things edible. They eat with their hands and play with their food. They make interactive art events that use food to explore contemporary … Continue reading
Profile :: The Gut Club
The Gut Club’s first public work was an invitation to a talk on the effects of economic austerity on art practice. They sourced the ingredients of a soup within central London with the limitations that they couldn’t use shops or money. More … Continue reading